Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Uganda Eve

Well, tomorrow is the day I venture off to a new continent and a new [short] chapter of my life. I am writing this from what seems to be the remains of my room I grew up in. Mom and dad have helped me tremendously! move out of the small house I have rented the past year and a half, and now I am sitting in my parents' house, up in the room that carried me through my younger years until high school. It is kind of strange sitting on this bed.... so many memories are represented in this room. Memories from junior high, high school, and college. After college I moved out into the house I had been renting. This room represents my life pre-teaching. I left this room to venture into adult-land. I spent two years in "adult land" and am now back in my childhood bedroom, moving into a different direction. I have come full circle I feel.

Several people have been asking me, "So, how do you feel? What are you thinking about most?" And honestly, I have many different feelings and thoughts all of the time. It simply depends on the minute. So, I will list a few for you and call it a night....

1. Excited - simply pumped for some traveling and adventure in a new culture!
2. Inadequate - I have about 7 roles/responsibilities assigned to me thus far.. which makes me nervous. Several of them are teaching responsibilities, and honestly I feel ill-equipped. But I know where I feel inadequate, the Lord has more room to show His power and ability!
3. Hopeful - I have felt so unsettled, if you will, at my position in being a teacher. I have loved the students, but just didn't feel quite comfortable being back in Russellville again. I am hoping for the Lord to use this trip to guide me in His direction, however, I have been warned that it is very possible that this trip will NOT, in fact, answer all of my questions about the future.
4. Nervous - yes, I am simply nervous about being able to do a good job
5. Scared? - Of course I am scared. I am going to a country that gives me a curfew of sundown in order to stay safe. I will have a person outside of my home at all times watching my things. The doctor gave me two shots and there are three sets of medicine/vitamins I am now taking to keep me in good condition while there. And, as ridiculous as this sounds, I have an open wound from softball (well worth it I might add!!!) on my leg, and yes, I am a bit scared about it getting dirty and infected.

So... I promise not all posts will be this long, although some may well exceed this length.

I beg you to pray for me this summer. Daily. Hourly if you think about it! I am relying on my brothers and sisters to support me. and that is YOU! Here is a verse I have been praying for several years now, and even more so for this summer:

2 Corinthians 12:15 "I will most gladly spend and be expended for your souls."

For those of you that are interested in seeing my flights take off and arrive, here is my flight itinerary...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Depart Little Rock, AR   1:13 p.m.     Flight UA5931   (1 hr. 45 min.)
Arrive Chicago, IL          2:58 p.m.

Depart Chicago, IL         5:57 p.m.     Flight UA972      ( 9 hrs. 23 min.)
Arrive Brussels, BE        9:20 a.m. 

Depart Brussels, BE        10:40 a.m.   Flight UA9966    (9 hrs. 10 min.)
Arrive Entebbe, UG        9:50 p.m.

I will arrive in Uganda at 1:50 p.m. on Thursday if you are on Arkansas time.

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