Sunday, December 2, 2012

What am I doing now, you ask?

Well.. I thought I would share a quick update on some things..

What's been going on?

 I have been working on my application to be a missionary through Commission To Every Nation (CTEN). And I was approved!! Check out my website... you can read a short bit about me, send me an email, and set up one-time or monthly donations! So I guess you could say I'm "official".

What am I doing now?

For now I am working two part-time jobs while in the process of heading back to Uganda for a 2-year commitment with API. I am helping API with sponsorships from FFWBC here in Russellville and by writing up and turning in their cash expense reports.

****** If anyone would be interested in being a part of the incredible ministry of sponsoring a street boy into our homes let me know! Some wonderful stories are being shared about our Russellville sponsored boys! It is incredible how the Lord provides exactly what is needed each month!********

Mom is planning a family vacation for May with Will, Jen, and Wren! I want to be around for that definitely. This summer I will work at Truth and Peace for a few weeks in July, and then I will head back to Uganda ASAP after that. I went back and forth between serving at Truth and Peace or not.. working at T&P just keeps me from returning to Uganda sooner. I prayed about it, and have a strong desire to return to T&P. I believe in the training that takes place there, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve those teenage girls.

CTEN Training...

So, tomorrow I will leave for Kerrville, Texas for the week. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I will be participating in Orientation with other individuals that have been approved to serve in other countries. Each day will be full of informational meetings and interviews about a variety of things to get me further on my way to Uganda! I will also get to meet with my CTEN pastor, Jack, and his wife, Carol, one evening for dinner. Blaine informed me he has already given Jack "the talk" that Blaine will always be #1 pastor. haha...

Then What...? 

After I return from Texas I will be working more on developing a base of support. I know so many of you are praying for me and keep up with me on here when I am Uganda. I need to create an official list of names, addresses, phone number, etc. for people that was to partner with me in prayer and in finances while I am in Uganda. I will have to develop this list and then I am not allowed to go back to Uganda until I have 75% of my budget fulfilled... (PLEASE let me know if you want to be placed on this list. Email me or send me a message on Facebook with your details)

So, I am praying that the LORD will provide. Blaine and CTEN have been giving me excellent books to read and the Lord has been blessing me with reminders that HE is the One that will provide for me.. I simply need to pray for peoples' hearts to be moved to give to HIM and what He is doing through API in Uganda... then I depend on the Lord to provide.

Just wanted to let people know what was going on... Thanks for everything you do.

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