Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Prayer Needed..He's been in my heart since the beginning...

**I'm copying and pasting this from the API Blog because it is so much easier than retyping things out... however, I do want to explain who this boy is..I have spoken of young Moses several times. I took him out for lunch one day and he prayed with an uncle that I would stay in Uganda for 1 year... that lots of friends would give me money and I could stay a long time.. He is a precious boy that I have wanted to come into the home since I first met! He is an absolutely wonderful little guy.. He has good English and LOVES to learn more... the few times I have spent with him walking to eat Chicken Tonight, escorting me to get a boda, going to get a tooth of his pulled, etc. he is always reading signs and asking me to help him read. It is encouraging how much he wants to learn! Anyway, he disappeared about a month or so ago and it made me so sad.. I was told his father came and got him from the streets and he was gone... Well, just about 3 weeks ago he showed back up! a wonderful surprise! And I mentioned him to Abby and David... I'll let Abby take over from here..

David and I would greatly appreciate your prayers for a boy named Moses that is a street child in our programs. We know that God wants him in our home. Today, the day before we were going to bring him in into our home a friend of ours, Heidi got a random call from his dad (who she does not know at all) saying he was coming to Kivulu to get his son. 
Moses dad is an evil, evil man. Moses ran away from his father because he was going to sacrifice him (cut off his head and other body parts in order to get "power") at one of his shrines. 

As soon as David heard his father was coming to Kivulu to "get his son" David raced to the slum where Moses was staying to find him before his father did. He located him and took him out to eat. It is generally known by the other kids why Moses is on the street but David felt he needed to talk to him before doing anything next. 

Sobbing  the entire time, Moses told David of his father, (who was in jail for two years for murdering someone) about how he uses cocaine, does witchcraft, has many shrines, beats mercilessly him and his other brothers and sisters and all of the women he brings home, and how his father would rape his sisters at night. Moses is one of the sweetest, most responsible children. In fact, when David had found him, he was cleaning the small shack where he slept with a bunch of other street kids. It breaks our heart how much he has gone through.
Because his father is an evil man with a lot of money and power (it is no coincide he was only in jail 2 years for murder) looking for his son, we have to report the case so the police and get official custody of Moses before we take him to our Forever Homes. That way we can have a case against him and immediately call the police if he ever steps foot anywhere near our village. Working with the police here is not always an easy or a straightforward thing. David reported to the police near where our streetchildren programs are but tomorrow he has to go with Moses to report to the police in Moses' home village, (where his sisters have already reported on his father for sexually abusing them, and the police also know that he went to jail for murder).
Please please pray...
1) That the police will give us quick custody of Moses
2) That God will either change his father's heart or stop him for hurting more women and children
3) For safety for Moses from his father who could try and track him down and seriously harm him for leaving him or even kill him
4) For healing of Moses' heart that has gone through so much
Thank  you so much for your prayers, we could truly not do what we do without all of you beside us!
Romans 8:31-35 So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture.

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