Thursday, August 23, 2012

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

So... my time is winding down.. Where did it go? I can't believe Michael will be arriving in 2 days and then we will head back to the states in 11 days... Wow. There are many things that I am excited to come home to, but I just feel like my work could be considered so unfinished...

The boys at the soccer field.. they lost the ball over the fence and are waiting to get it back...
Well... this post is dedicated to my street boys. I have been spending my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons with them since I arrived and I have shared the story of Joseph with them in depth. They have heard the Gospel countless times through the API team, visitors from other ministries, visitors from the states, and an incredible Providence team all week at our camp!

Now, our focus is to provide them with love through food, care, games, medical, etc. However, we also have a devotional time each day. So... for all of these years they have been learning all about the people of the Bible, Jesus, salvation, love, forgiveness, self-control, and so forth.... Recently I have felt more and more convicted about being accountable for the souls of these young boys. They have been in my hands of r3 months, and what do I have to show of it in the eternal sense? There is a favorite quote of mine that I have been reminded of lately..

My greatest fear is that I become significant in something that has no eternal purpose.

Now, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven" is a commandment and prayer of Jesus'. We are to bring the Lord's Kingdom here on earth. We are to love and care for the widows and orphans.. but lately, I have felt such a greater spiritual burden for these boys.

Another thing to add is that just before I was coming to Uganda our church was studying our way through Mark..
Listening to the uncles speak...

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.  

I truly believe some of these boys have such little faith... But I truly believe some of these boys are ready to hear more than what we are giving them... I say speak more deeply and there are some that will get it! "Enrichment" we called it in the classroom.. some won't be able to think that highly, but those who can will benefit greatly!

So, I say all of that to lead up to this.. My mom gave me Josh McDowell's Children Demand a Verdict in 2008. I thought it might be a good book to bring to the children's homes and use with our younger Bombo boys.... Caitlyn suggested I use some in the street programme as well...So, I picked out 2 more theological "God" questions and then 2 "right vs. wrong" type questions to go through with the boys..

Some of the sweet boys wanting me to take their photo...
We played the question game (big hit!) and then I started off by sharing James 1 with the boys..

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.

I encouraged the boys to ask the aunties, uncles, and pastors questions if they ever have them, and then shared with them our first question.

Now.. I barely made it through the first "God/Theological" question and we ran out of time! The boys all guessed the incorrect answer at the beginning and at the end of all of the Scripture and support I gave, they still were not convinced and stuck to their original, incorrect, answer. I was soooo bummed! But we had run out of time. I encouraged them again about James 1 and asking questions. Several of them raise their hands at that point to ask questions!! haha.. but we couldn't... we had to move on and serve food and leave the church for the evening service.

Kato... one of the extreme cases.. Rarely joins
in on the soccer games Pray for him.
HOWEVER!!!! a young boy came up to me (without getting in the food line, which is big!) and said, "Auntie Lauren... I have a question about what you said today.." We proceeded to have a pretty good theological discussion for maybe 30 or 45 minutes! and Caitlyn even came and joined in... and then another boy came up to me and said, "Auntie! I have a question for you, but I see you are sharing with him. I will save it for Friday and ask you then!" It was absolutely incredible. Now, the young boy we spoke so long with was really confused on a lot of things... supremacy of Christ... necessity of old testament law and Christ fulfilling that law... how to get to Heaven.. etc. He said he as a Christian, but so many of his thoughts were not aligned with the Scriptures. However, it was such a blessing to speak with him and on Friday we plan to talk more.

Now, I don't know about you, but I am SUPER pumped that Caitlyn is going to start having "Question Fridays" with the boys. Each Friday they can come with questions, she will record them, prepare during the following week, and then on the next Friday she will come with Scripture to give them proper answers and record new questions for the next Friday... how cool is that? These boys WANT to ask questions... they WANT more knowledge... they WANT to know what the Bible says and why we believe certain things! I am so excited.. I am just praying that the Lord will continue to allow their minds to work and to think. I pray that the Lord gives the aunties and uncles wisdom and that the young boys will have open hearts and minds.

So anyway... I just wanted to share that with you. I think that basic lesson on love and forgiveness are absolutely CRITICAL for these young boys... but I am really excited to challenge their minds and have them thinking about what it truly means to be a Christian and for them to further understand their faith.. woo! Please join me in praying for API and for these boys!

One of our smallest boys... a Karimojong child...Read the link!

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