Saturday, July 7, 2012

African Time.. and Girls Night!

Soo... I have a confession. I can be a stickler about things at times...and I go back and forth about "African Time"... it is quite a joke here about if you are referring to "African" or "American" time... America, of course, is on time... and African means anywhere between 1 and 3 hours later than planned... usually closer to the 2 or 3 hours later.. haha. Now, I appreciate African time in the mornings when I am running "late" because really, I will be fine! haha... but when I have an agenda, I really miss my American time... for example, today I was hoping to return to this lovely Africa Crafts area in town where a bunch of ladies set up shops to sell their very Africanique goods... baskets... figurines... jewelry... shirts... etc. I was headed that way to buy some goodies for my family (I checked the place out last week)... but the person I was going with was to show up at 2.. and then at 4:30 or 5 we would head to the girls' home.. well, he didn't arrive until about 5pm... : / So yea, I need patience! haha.. so forget the gifts, I have an extra MONTH to get them now! But I'm sure some of you can appreciate "African Time" and some of you "American Time"... I an enjoying the best and worst of both worlds here! haha... *please understand I am not bitter.. it is just an adjustment here!

So the girls' home was an absolute blessing! Uncle Abdul asked if I would like to go to this home and I am so glad I accepted the invitation! Thank you for all of your prayers! I arrived and the girls came to join. I told one of the aunties what I had brought (a devotional, fingernail polish, and materials for beaded jewelry) and she wrote down a quick program and handed it to one of the young girls... She led the entire evening! We first had introductions, then they had a time of praise with their voices and drums (yea!)... it was a blessing to listen to their voices. These girls range from 13/14 to 17/18 and have the strongest, most clear voices! Beautiful harmonies and strength in their music.. such a blessing.

Next I shared the devotion the Lord had laid on my heart. Talked about the alabaster box being broken at the Lord's feet and that our lives are alabaster boxes and that we must break them at the Father's feet and allow Him to guide and direct our lives... It was a lovely time with the girls.

After the devotion we pulled out the fingernail polish. Little did I know that they all wanted ME to paint their nails! I thought they would just grab polish and then everyone paint each others'... but they wanted me to paint all of theirs! haha... It was a sweet time with each girl... (about 10 total)... 

Then it was getting late and so we took tea (warm sweet milk) and bread that Uncle Abdul and I picked up on the way there.. and it was time to say goodbye. The sweet girls sang a goodbye song for me and some even began to cry! At first I thought they were joking because they were laughing.. but Uncle Abdul told me they were serious about missing me. They kept whispering to him asking for me to stay longer or atleast to come and visit again. I gave them my word that I would return and so I will! I look forward to taking pictures the second time around.. and one of the girls said she will teach me to dance so I can join them! haha.. :)

---side note--- found out that they are not allowed to have painted nails at school on Monday... bummer... so Uncle Abdul agreed to take me to the shop tomorrow and return me to their home for a short visit tomorrow so I can provide them with polish remover (which they had asked if I brought... I later found out this was the reason why..)

So.... I look forward to seeing the girls again! They were precious. Very energetic.. and very different from the boys I have been with! But so good... They have some sort of yearly party/celebration in August where they exchange gifts and Uncle Abdul has promised to take me back! 

Well, love to you all. Thank you again if you have stuck with me. Tomorrow I am headed to Grace Fellowship Church where we have our street boys program on MWF. I have remained in the city this weekend instead of heading to Bombo so I can attend church with the street boys and some uncles... that is why I was asked to share with the girls this evening... Will head to Bombo on Tuesday though to share with another group of girls! 

... going to try and sleep now.. have a home of LOUD music and girls SCREAMING next door.. :/ Will shut the window and put in the earplugs! haha... goodnight.

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